Friday, May 22, 2009

Construction of Adeta's Exhibition Hall...coming soon!

Thanks to financing from donors and supporters stateside, My Peace Corps Partnership project to build a community exhibition hall and promotional center is slated to begin this week. The community is ready to turn the donation into a physical place where all the trades people of Adeta and the creative youth can show the world the talent they possess. It will also aid in promoting the collaboration of many village associations and active community entrepenuers through the sales of locally handcrafted items, further stimulating its economy and placing an importance on local craft and solidarity amongst its members.

Ak bey ka ka looooo!

Petite a Petite l'oiseau fait son nid....

les petites...

Ohh kids...they say and Do the darndest things..especially when they know you have a camera. Here are some images from the kids of the Andikra fishing village in Ghana. They swarmed around me chanting "my friend, my friend, come with me and I'll show you my home..." It was a really sweet day.


So if you may be wondering what's on the menu in Togo, here are a few favorites enjoyed by many.
Where else can you find a car full of nanners and pineapples! right at my local taxi station!

I ran out of gas and was thus forced to cook like the locals...over charcoal and a slow flame.

When you are on the road there is never a need to pull over or seek out a local drive-thru because all of the country is one big drive thru window...they come to you but you better be quick with the change because the driver waits for no one.

No need to pound the yams..this one is like instant need for a massive mortar and pestal.

From these lovely little fruits of the baobab tree come a juice called "langba" which is the best local energy and vitamin elixir.

Looking for exotic meats, python perhaps? No worries there may be someone on the side of the road selling a recent kill. Tastes like chicken my friend.

It was a red African treat found at my local marche and tasted much like starfruit.

A Togelese 7-11
Dunkin Doughnuts

Is there a doctor in the hut?

Some of the best inspiration for graphic arts in Togo comes straight from the many medical problems they face here.

Even a visit from evil spirits can be treated by a certain miracle elixir as this advertisement states.

A chart detailing the female reproductive system that hung in a community medical center.

Posters and Promotional Banners hung in a stall at the FESPACO artisinal show selling medicinal concoctions to treat anything from malaria to hernias.

Even Obama is the best medicine.

The African Pharmacy

The medicinal consultant sits with his hand painted medical images detailing any health problem under the African sun.