Sunday, February 11, 2007

i come from chicago...

So you may be thinking...why the hell is she dressed like this? Has she joined some alien subculture? Nope, just trying to stay warm...

Well since the Chicago weather has been less than inviting lately and I can't stand to get back on the treadmill this is what must be done. I must go out and savor the chill since I will be heading to the hot zone for the next two years where the seasons amount to a hot wet and a hot dry. I also qualified last fall to run the Boston Marathon in April and since this is the only chance I'll have I figured why not go for it. I failed to remember the agony of Chicago winters where the temperature has been stuck around zero for the past couple weeks. So when it finally makes it up to 26 (that feels like 15) just have to go for it. Surprisingly there were more people out running than I expected. Of course we all looked like we were on the edge of death. But hey, nothing compares to the great outdoors they say. Just to breath in the frosty winter air seems so exhilarating. For the first few minutes that is...


Dave said...

Been there, done that, too cold for me anymore!

vicki said...

Hi Megan,
Looks like you are in for an interesting experience, lots of learning, and a great time. Hope you are warming up now. It is about 20-30 degrees warmer here now and we are beginning to thaw.
Grandma is doing great. Love, Aunt Vicki