Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ak bey ka ka loooooo… (thank YOU!)

My community embraces your donations

If I am correct in guessing, due to the vast arena of support I have through family and friends stateside, my community project has been funded. (since it is no longer on the PCPP webpage) I feel so loved and now I get to pass it on to a whole village! I realize that I have some fans back home cheering on my efforts and those of my community. Thanks so much for all of your support. Soon, there will be a wonderful and captivating place for a small community in Togo to engage in the promotion of its talented individuals. I will be keeping you all posted on the development through my blog and will also be creating a blog for the exhibition hall as well. So as they say here...”petite a petite l’oiseau faire son nid” (little by little, the bird makes his nest)
…and little by little, you have all helped to make a place of inspiration for the people of a town in Togo…
“Georginam… Enyo ento!”
Here are some of the amazing people who will benefit from the installation of the exhibition hall.

Chez Claudine and all her girls

Chez Kossi the tailor who is seeking a partnership with a seamstress to expand his operations.

Yankee Décor, who seeks a place to promote his personal art pieces which rest hidden in his stall due to his occupations and obligations in village as the local painter and sign maker.

You’re looking at the plot of land where the new Center for Creativity and Community Development will open it’s doors.

The promotion starts here…with the HUGE talent show in just a matter of weeks!

1 comment:

Juliana said...

can't wait to see talent show on you tube! keep us posted. xo, ju